To this day, the parking areas on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee have signs warning drivers of what happens in high winds. The sea can get very rough very quickly, and big waves can swamp cars parked on what looked like a safe beach. A boat on the Sea of Galilee can suddenly get tossed around like a child’s toy and people as well when the storms roll in.
How do you normally react to “storms” in your life and why?
Read Mark 4:35-41.
What person from the Old Testament do you recall who slept in a boat during a storm, and how does this story in Mark contrast with that one?
Why are Jesus’ disciples still fearful after Jesus calms the storm?
Imagine if this event was being made into a blockbuster movie and you were going to audition for a part. How would you play out your role?
When life brings its storms and trials and stress, there is always room for us to go directly to Jesus. We must teach ourselves, remind ourselves to rely on Him, to reach out to Him and quit trying to be on our hero, our own savior, and rather put all faith in Him. Whatever mixture of fear and faith it may be in that particular storm, we must bring it to Jesus.
What storms and fears of life do you need to bring to Jesus today?
Trent Dean