Fossils are the only hard evidence that can help us understand what life existed in the distant past. What secrets do they reveal, and what can science really tell us?
“And the waters prevailed exceedingly on the earth, and all the high hills under the whole heaven were covered…And all flesh died that moved on the earth: birds and cattle and beasts and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth, and every man.” — Genesis 7:19,21
Can science, along with the Bible, really provide answers for the deepest questions of life? There is a way of digging up the evidence—and finding the truth. Fossils are like snapshots of the past that give us a glimpse of the abundant life that once populated the earth. But do they explain the origins of that life? What do fossils actually show us?
Buried Evidence
One of the main tools evolutionary scientists have used to promote evolution has been the fossil record—all the fossils that lie buried in rock formations in Earth’s sedimentary layers or strata. As you go deeper into the earth, the common assumption is that you go deeper in time.
When you look at which fossils are buried in which layer, evolutionists say you supposedly get a picture of how life evolved from the simplest organisms buried in the deepest layers, to more complex and recent organisms, like dinosaurs, in the upper layers. Most evolutionists believe that this process of animals developing from simple to complex was a very slow and gradual one.
If change happened very gradually, there should theoretically be transitional forms in the fossil record that show a major body shift between early versions of an organism and more complex later versions.
But so far no undisputed transitional fossils have been found. So what does the evidence show? Diversity and Stasis (Stability).
The evidence indicates a tremendous diversity of life, thousands upon thousands of examples of fossils —all preserved with few, if any, signs of decay . How could this happen? Dead animals don’t usually turn into fossils. So what forces could have created such near perfect preservation? A very rapid burial of these creatures provides an explanation—a burial so rapid that they didn’t have time to decay or end up as dinner for scavengers.
The fossil record contains fully formed, plentiful life that shows complexity and completeness without major change—therefore, stability. And, strangely enough, the supposed transitional forms of life are missing. Amid all the diversity and complexity of fossils, there is no undisputed transitional creature that shows one species transitioning into another.
It looks like what the fossil record doesn’t reveal could be just as important as what it does.
Think Tank
One of the main tools evolutionist use to promote evolution is the fossil record. They say that it shows the gradual progression from simple to complex life forms and that, as you go deeper into Earth, you go deeper in time.
Evolutionist say that there should be buried transitional forms because creatures supposedly changed over long periods of time and so the fossil record should show evidences of those changes.
What is significant about the two characteristics of the fossil record being diversity and stability? It shows that many creatures were buried rapidly, likely by water. The stasis (stability) of fossils shows that life appeared fully formed and amazingly complex without any transitional forms.
What is significant about the Cambrian and Precambrian rock layers? The Cambrian layers are known for containing much more complex life than the Precambrian layers under it. This jump from hardly any fossils to many complex fossils is referred to as the Cambrian Explosion. This is an “unconformity” in the evolutionary model, and it contradicts the idea that the layers took millions of years to form.
Of the fossils we have, most are marine invertebrates. Less than one percent of the remaining five percent are vertebrates.
What event in Earth’s past best explains how fossils were buried and where they are found? The fact that most fossils are the result of massive mudflows and rapid burial points to the Genesis Flood.
What do soft tissue fossils indicate? Soft tissue fossils cannot last for millions of years. The fact that soft tissue has been found in dinosaur bones that are claimed to be millions of years old indicates that dinosaurs may have lived just thousands of years ago.
Back to the Bible
Read Genesis 7.
List some of the action words the Bible uses to record the Flood account?
Of the animals that were not on the Ark, which ones died and which ones might have survived the Flood? Read Genesis 7:21. The ones that might have survived were the beasts of the seas, those that did not creep on the earth.
How does the Bible’s record line up with the fossil record? The fossil record shows diversity in its layers, indicating that many kinds of animals died at the same time by a great catastrophe. Also, all animals appear fully formed. This fits the Flood account.
Why do you think the history recorded in the Bible can be so unpopular? It tells us that humans are not their own masters—God rules over us. Genesis is not a neutral book. We either choose to let the Word of God speak for itself, or we submit it to our own self-declared authority.
Even with scientific evidence on your side, you’ll discover that believing the great Genesis Flood buried the majority of fossils is an unpopular viewpoint, but popularity has nothing to do with truth.
How can you prepare yourself to share what is true with people who may disagree with you?
Next Week: Flood or Fiction? We will consider the evidence.