Read Mark 6:30-44.
After a period of exhausting, stressful work, followed by devastating news (John being executed), it would be natural to think that we need some rest, a break, time to recover and regroup. This is exactly what Jesus had in mind for them. But things don’t always go as planned.
When you have important plans that are interrupted, how do you respond?
The short boat trip is the only time Jesus and the disciples have to themselves. By the time they get to the shore everyone else has gotten there first.
How does Jesus respond to this interruption of his planned break?
Why do the disciples want to send the people away?
What is Jesus’ challenge to them instead?
How do the disciples respond to this challenge and why?
Jesus, however, has compassion and a plan. How does Jesus use the resources they have?
When have you seen God use meager resources to meet a challenging situation?
How does the shepherding (leadership) that Jesus provides contrast with the kind of leader we saw Herod to be in the previous story?
What do we learn about God’s coming kingdom from Jesus’ actions in this situation.
Read Mark 6:45-56.
It is about 3:00 AM when the disciples see Jesus walking on the sea. What emotions do they feel (vv. 49-52)?
At this point, we can recognize a steady build-up of astonishing events, but play close attention for a theme that is now running alongside these events until it achieves an initial response in chapter 8. “They hadn’t understood about the loaves,” says Mark of the disciples, “because their hearts were hardened.”
What have the disciples not understood about the loaves that they should have?
What causes our hearts to be hardened?
Again, we see people drawn to Jesus for healing, and He didn’t turn them away even though that wasn’t His primary reason for being there.
How can we show compassion and help others even when people interrupt our plans?
Trent Dean