Read Mark 10:1-12.
Why did Moses allow Israel to write a certificate of divorce and send their spouse away?
5 And Jesus said to them, “Because of your hardness of heart he wrote you this commandment. 6 But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’ 7 ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, 8 and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh. 9 What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”
Now read Mark 10:13-16.
Now His disciples are rebuking the children for coming to Jesus!
Are the disciples hung up on this matter of earthly status and allowing it to harden their heart? Prior, in the matter of marriage and divorce a person’s selfishness hardens the heart.
What do we allow to harden our heart today and keep us from faithful service to our Lord Jesus?
Read Mark 10:17-31.
Wealth? Has the accumulation of wealth and seeking to find security in it hardened your heart from leaning on God, trusting and obeying Him fully with your life?
After all we must give our life here in order to gain eternal life.
It is impossible for man to save himself. But all things are possible with God. We must go to Him for salvation. However, a hardened heart is a barrier between us and the Lord.
Read Mark 10:32-45.
Jesus foretells of His death a third time. They still don’t understand.
What do you think is preventing them?
Then James and John request to sit on His right and left in the kingdom that they foresee coming?
How does Jesus use this as an opportunity to teach about authority and servitude in His kingdom?
Read Mark 10:46-52.
Example after example of the disciples, whom have been walking and learning from Jesus first-hand for months and months, are displaying a hardness of heart. Here, a BLIND BEGGAR in great faith and humility cries out to the Lord and Jesus heals him.
Upon being healed, what is Bartimaeus’s response?
What is your response to Jesus today?
Do you suffer from a hardness of heart? If so, why? Keep asking yourself, “Why?” until you get to the heart of the matter. Remove whatever it is keeping you from serving the Lord faithfully. But remember! Don’t try to do it alone. Go to the Lord. Lean on Him in trust and obedience. Let Him direct your way!
Trent Dean