House Of Prayer

Read Mark 11:1-25.

Notice that Mark does not emphasize Jesus’ act as a fulfillment of Zechariah like Matthew and Luke do. Look at the first 11 verses and consider what Mark wants his audience to pay close attention to regarding Jesus coming to Jerusalem. What does Mark reveal that the other accounts do not?

2 What does Jesus immediately do when he comes to Jerusalem? How does this fulfill Malachi 3:1-4?

3 What does Jesus do the next day (11:12-14)? What is the meaning? Consider Jeremiah 24; Hosea 2:12; Joel 1:12; Haggai 2:19 in your answer.

4 What does Jesus do this time when he enters Jerusalem (11:15-19)? What was the temple supposed to be (cf. Isaiah 56:7 and its context and consider 1 Kings 8:30-53)?

5 What does Jesus mean that they had made the temple a den of robbers? Read Jeremiah 7:11-15 to understand His quotation in its original context. What did Jeremiah mean when he said it?

6 The scriptures describe us as the temple of God (cf. 1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19; Ephesians 2:19-22; 1 Peter 2:4-5). In light of Jesus’ message what does this mean about what we are supposed to be?

7 What do the disciples note when they pass by the fig tree again (11:20-26)? Look carefully at Jesus’ answer.

8 What does praying and forgiveness have to do with this discussion (11:25)? Consider what Jesus said in the temple about the house of prayer to help with your answer.

What did you learn about Jesus? How will this change you and your words and deeds and daily life?

Trent Dean